timeline ChainLinks

Analysis of blockchain and digital marketing technology is now a big business in the crypto market. Many investors and traders now consider analysis as a point to look into and they are really devoting time in it. This is done majorly to expand their knowledge and broaden their scope of knowledge by interesting with the members of the public and getting to know their view about the different perspective. Studying of the blockchain market is really important for blockchain enthusiasts so as to be able to predict the next moves and earn big on this platform. Virtually all the social media platform that allows channels to be attached to them have now been infiltrated by blockchain investors and crypto enthusiasts. They own channels on these social media platforms where proper disbursement of information is done and trends flow freely on the platform for followers and members of the group. Medium is one of those platforms that have been infiltrated by blockchain investors and crypto experts. Information dispensation is by default the purpose for the creation of Medium so many channel owners find it easy to operate on this platform than many other platforms. One of the experts that have really caught the interest of many is Kenny Li. He is a blockchain expert who is devoted to blockchain analysis on a full-blown scale. Kenny Li’s platform on Medium is @wandererli. On this platform, he’s devoted to given the members of the public all they need to know about Blockchain making it very easy. His philosophy is to eat up blockchain concepts and puke them into the brains of his members in a very easy way. He’s analysis the past present and future of the financial market as a whole.


check_circle He is an in-depth analyzer who’s got it all easy to understand.
