timeline ChainLinks

Outputs per day is an indicator of economic activity in the Bitcoin network. Instead of following transactions per day, it tracks the total number of outputs of the Bitcoin network. This is because one transaction can include multiple outputs. A lot of big players in the market tend to bundle their outputs into larger batches to cut down on transaction fees. Therefore, this website tracks the total number of outputs for a more accurate economic indicator. The website consists of three main graphs which are average outputs per transaction, average outputs per block, and average transactions per block. Each graph is easy to read with historical data back to 2017. It also allows changing of the time frame to get a better understanding of certain periods. This is a useful tool to spot trends in Bitcoin usage. For example, it is quite clear that there is a drop off of output volume at the start of 2018.


check_circle A better indicator of Bitcoin network usage as it shows all outputs which ignore bundled batch transactions by big Bitcoin traders. check_circle Easy to use graphs which can be used to visualize trends. check_circle Users are able to adapt timeframes


cancel Historical data only dates back to 2017 so it is difficult to get an overall picture of how output per day has really changed. cancel The website only shows three metrics. No ability to compare with other statistics or superimpose the three metrics.