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The Ether Review is a cryptocurrency podcast hosted by Arthur Falls. The Ether review currently has 76 episodes. The last episode was released about one year ago. Since the last episode, Falls started releasing content discussing the Third Web. Prior to conducting The Ether Review, Falls released content titled Beyond Bitcoin. The podcast currently has over 110 episodes. The Beyond Bitcoin episodes were initially released in 2014. The Ether Review episodes began to be released in late 2015 and continued until late 2017. The podcast does not have a website for itself and is posted on SoundCloud under Arthur Falls account. Falls has over 1,700 followers on his SoundCloud account. Episodes of the podcast are also posted on a Medium publication for the Ether Review which is run by Fall’s Medium account. The Medium posts contain a brief description of the podcast along with a plugin from SoundCloud. The Medium also posts some solely written posts and video content. Content related to The Ether Review is posted on Falls personal Twitter account which has over 5,500 followers. The podcast has a five-star review on iTunes from over 20 ratings. Falls has been noted to ask questions which make it easier for the listener to understand complicated concepts.


check_circle Released a number of different podcast series including Beyond Bitcoin, The Ether Review, and The Third Web check_circle Also releases content on Medium including written and video content check_circle Five-star review on iTunes


cancel No website dedicated to the podcast cancel All of the content goes through Arthur Falls personal pages cancel The Ether Review appears to be finished