timeline ChainLinks

Etherdelta is strictly a business exchange or trading site that deals with figures more than words. This site has been designed to provide only information about exchange rates and trading prices of coins or tokens. On a first visit Etherdelta’s site, there are 3 options you will find as a mode of making transactions; Deposit, Withdraw and Transfer. However, before you proceed with your activities on the site, you would have to create an account first so you could enjoy unlimited access. To create an account, just click on the dash board and you have a section where you can create an account. Still on the home page, you can either buy or sell order and for either of this, there is a value to fill. There is amount of order you want to buy or sell (in PPT), price of order you want to buy or sell (in PPT), the Total sales either bought or sold (in PPT) and the expiry time (in blocks) for the order bought. After filling all these details, you can now proceed to buy or sell order. Lastly, the site has a chat room where you can bring up your issues and get connected with people. There is also the Help section where you can get all the necessary guidelines to use Etherdelta effectively.


check_circle A chat room to get connected. check_circle Etherdelta gives you the opportunity to fill in certain details by yourself.


cancel You can’t operate anonymously on Etherdelta if you wanted to. cancel There is an expiry time for orders bought or sold. cancel Security may be a major problem here. cancel Site looks clumsy and crowded with figures.