timeline ChainLinks

CryptoVPN’s top priority is privacy. Their service provides users with an encrypted channel for internet access. This is very important for users who value their privacy and want protection from hackers. Users will have access to a secure connection while using public WiFi access points. They will also get access to the internet without any censorship. This also includes bypassing corporate restrictions allowing users to access any websites. This is particularly useful in countries where web content is blocked because it isn't in line with the views of the government. CryptoVPN also states that they will not log any of their users' activity, further ensuring the privacy of the user. CryptoVPN also claims that their network will allow users 24/7 access. In the event that the network does go down, CryptoVPN will offer refunds to everyone affected. CryptoVPN provides a number of plans for their users to choose from. The plans range from 1 day to one year at very competitive prices. Some of the plan options are listed below: ● 1 Day - 1.5 USD ● 1 Month - 25 USD ● 6 Months - 130 USD ● 1 Year - 240 USD Payment can be made by the users in cryptocurrencies such as Bitcoin and Litecoin.


check_circle Provides users with privacy and protection against hackers. check_circle Allows users to access any website avoiding internet censorship. check_circle Payments can be made in cryptocurrencies and the plans are very flexible to suit the user’s needs.


cancel They don’t provide a demo for users to test the service before committing.