timeline ChainLinks

CCN news site is a more advanced site with great designs and theme to explain events happening all around the world involving cryptocurrencies. The news platform brings information from specific places in the world, adds picture to the news and make the article look great and easy for readers. To enjoy daily updates and beneficial posts as regard cryptocurrencies, you will have to subscribe on CCN by tapping the bell icon on the site. This bell icon leads you to a page where you fill in details and you will start getting notifications of new updates on the site. There are 3 options which explains everything about the site at the last part of the screen; Prices, News and Trending. Features of CCN 1. Market Cap: In this category, the cryptocurrency marketcap for the day is updated with time and published. This marketcap include the name of the top cryptocurrencies and their prices as at the time they were updated. 2. Prices: This category shows you the different prices of cryptocurrencies ranging from Bitcoin Price to Cardano Price. 3. ICO Calendar 4. Events: Here, events to happen on Bitcoin and on Blockchain is displayed. You can easily get to know what you will be expecting from Bitcoin even before it comes. 5. Network 6. Bitcoin: Because Bitcoin is an important cryptocurrency on news sites, new information about them, chat room, analysis and calculator is important; hence, they are classified under this category. 7. Ethereum 8. Altcoins 9. Learn 10. Advertise 11. Contact.


check_circle Detailed information about Bitcoin is provided. check_circle Subscribing for news on the site is fast and easy. check_circle The designs and picture quality for posts are great.


cancel Focuses more on Bitcoin than other crypto.