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Bitcoin lectures is a YouTube channel with quite a number of subscribers which can be regarded as few. Going through the channel’s description, it informs subscribers and viewers in general that the channel hosts video clips from various meetings, events and conferences. It further states that the channel is a beneficiary of the support of the Bitcoin Association Switzerland. Below the channel’s description are three website links. The first link belongs to the Bitcoin Association Switzerland, the second is for Bitcoin Lectures MeetUp groups, while the third is an invitation to become a member of the Bitcoin Association Switzerland, with the same link as the first being used. Also, there is a link which leads to their Facebook and Twitter page, there is also a YouTube link and a Google Plus link, all for Bitcoin Lectures. The video uploads on Bitcoin Lectures YouTube channel is quite on the high side, and YouTube users who are new to the channel would discover that the channel is not dormant, as there are video uploads from time to time. Features 1. The channel’s info description is brief and quite detailed 2. Each video has a short introduction with music in the background


check_circle A number of the videos have subtitles check_circle The audio quality is high check_circle The video quality is high as well check_circle The channel’s info description contains a direct link to their available social media platforms, this would make it easier for subscribers to visit instead of going through a longer process check_circle The videos contain informative contents
