timeline ChainLinks

EthFiddle is a decentralized application (DApp) powered by the Loom network. EthFiddle was launched in 2017. EthFiddle is a Solidity Integrated Development Environment (IDE). IDEs enable users to input code and see the direct output. Solidity is the programming language used for the Ethereum network. The Loom network is an open-source project which enables developers to build large-scale applications. The Loom network tackles the scalability issues of the Ethereum network which can only process 15 transactions per second. The Loom network tackles the scalability issues by utilizing sidechain technology. One of the key features of the IDE is it enables users to share snippets of their code. It enables users to debug different sections of their Solidity code and share via a permalink. There is an open chat where users of EthFiddle can interact. There is also a Gitter for EthFiddle where users can discuss code.


check_circle Powered by Loom network which increases throughput check_circle Enables users to input code and see the output check_circle Enables users to share snippets of code via permalinks


cancel A limited environment that is only useful in some areas