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Trust Wallet is the official wallet of Binance. It can be used for making payments, securing cryptocurrencies, and integrating with DApps. The wallet is a mobile wallet that is available on both Android and iOS. The wallet was initially focused on supporting Ethereum and Ethereum-based tokens but since Binance acquired the wallet, it added support for a wide variety of assets. This includes major cryptocurrencies such as bitcoin, bitcoin cash, tron, and litecoin. One of the key features of the wallet is it allows users to interact with DApps. Not many wallets have an interface that allows users to integrate with DApps. The private key for the wallet is also put in complete control of the user with Binance having no access to the private keys for wallets. It is a positive development for Binance that they have acquired this wallet as it is poor security to leave funds on an exchange as the user is not really in control of them. Most exchanges do not have an extra option for users other than leaving their funds on the exchange but Binance provides the option to enhance their security by transferring the funds to the Trust Wallet.


check_circle Gives users of binance a more secure option for where to leave their funds check_circle Wallet puts users in control of their own private keys check_circle Wallet supports the major cryptocurrencies


cancel No multi-sig or two-factor authentication support on the wallet.